File No9:vol.113, no.7, |
山下 透・檀原 徹・岩野英樹・星 博幸・川上 裕・角井朝昭・新正裕尚・和田穣隆
(113巻7号 p.340-352)
◯付録第1図 紀伊半島に分布する中期中新世珪長質火成岩類から採取した96試料の全鉱物,重鉱物,軽鉱物組合せモード分析結果と,軽鉱物と火山ガラスの屈折率頻度分布.軽鉱物組合せモード分析結果は屈折率範囲を4つに分割し,低屈折率側からカリ長石・低屈折率斜長石(アルバイト〜オリゴクレース)・石英・高屈折率斜長石(アンデシン〜アノーサイト)として表した.
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◯付録第2図 本研究で用いた96試料の試料採取地点.試料名は通番+試料記号で表し,使用した1/25000地形図名もそれぞれ示した.
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◯付録第3図 室生火砕流堆積物試料を採取した百々ルートと龍口ルートのルートマップ.
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File No8:vol.113, no.3, |
内村公大・大木公彦・古澤 明 (113卷3号 p.95-112.)
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File No7:vol.112, no.7, |
新井宏嘉・太田 亨(112巻7号 p.439-451)
付録1 丸め誤差による0値を置換するプログラムのソースコード.
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付録2 不適合度を計算するプログラムのソースコード.
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File No6:vol.112, no.6, |
ノート:対数比法における規格化成分選定プログラム―Woronow-Love-Schedl法の自動化― 新井宏嘉・太田 亨(112巻6号 p.430-435)
○付録.Woronow-Love-Schedl法を実行するR用プログラムコード. |
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File No5:vol.111, no.5, 小林ほか |
小林博文・山路 敦・増田富士雄(111巻5号 p.000-000)
File No4:vol.110, no.10, 辻森 |
辻森 樹(110巻10号:特集 飛騨外縁帯研究の進展と展望 p591-597) |
○Fig.2 Colored version Microtexture of chromitite (BOM-03a) and serpentinite (BOM-03b). (A) Photomicrograph of the occurrence of zoned Cr-spinel in chromitite [Plane polarized light = PPL]. (B) Photomicrograph of enlarged view of the inclusion-rich in zoned Cr-spinel in chromitite [PPL]. (C) X-ray image of Fe (Kα) of Cr-spinel grain of (B). (D) X-ray image of Mg (Kα) of (C). (E) X-ray image of Ti (Kα) of (C). (F) X-ray image of Na (Kα) of (C), showing distribution of pargasitic amphibole inclusions. (G) Photomicrograph of the occurrence of zoned Cr-spinel in serpentinite [PPL]. (H) Back-scattered electron image of the zoned Cr-spinel in serpentinite. Scale bars on each image represent 1 mm. Abbreviations: CrSp = Cr-spinel, Atg = antigorite, Mgs = magnesite. |
File No3:vol.110, no.8, 高橋・山下 |
高橋孝三・山下仁司,2004,ラニーニャ時のレディオラリアフラックス:1999年太平洋赤道域西部・中部における時系列変動と海洋環境.(110巻8号 p463-479)
○Open File Table 1.
Lists of the sampled dates and intervals, fluxes of total Radiolaria and their three subgroups (Nassellaria, Spumellaria, Phaeodaria), and diversity indices.
○Open File Table 2.
Radiolarian species counts (No. shells per microslide) at Shallow and Deep sediment trap depths at Sites MT1, MT2, MT3, and MT5.
○Open File Table 3.
Radiolarian species fluxes (No. shells m-2 d-1) at Shallow and Deep sediment traps deployed at Sites MT1, MT2, MT3, and MT5 during January-December 1999 in the western and central equatorial Pacific.
○Open File Table 4.
Radiolarian species count data obtained from core tops (0-0.5 cm) of the multiple cores recovered at four sediment trap sites.
File No2:vol.109, no.4, Nomura |
Ritsuo Nomura,2003, Assessing the roles of artificial vs. natural impacts on brackish lake environments: foraminiferal evidence from Lake Nakaumi, southwest Japan.(109巻4号p197-214) |
○Appendix 1. Quantitative data set for factor analysis and the varimax factor score matrix |
○Appendix 2. Calculated ages of each sample.
The dotted lines indicate the marked depth and year, which are referred to the construction activities. |
○Appendix 3. Communality and factor loadings. |
File No.1:vol.108, no.6, Nomura and Seto
Ritsuo Nomura and Koji Seto, 2002, Influence of man-made construction on environmental conditions in brackish Lake Nakaumi,southwest Japan:Foraminiferal evidence.(108巻6号 p394-409) |
○Appendix 1: Foraminiferal species identified in this study.(PDF/16KB)
○Appendix 2: Foraminiferal occurrence at H-1.(PDF/10KB)
○Appendix 3: Foraminiferal occurrence at H-2.(PDF/12KB) |