ハワイでIBMのワークショップが開かれます。日本側の旅費は日本側が負担することになりますが、現在旅費の援助に関してこちらで調整中です。全参加者は100人とされています。参加希望者は下記のMARGINS web siteを通して応募することになります。


NSF-IFREE MARGINS Workshop on the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Subduction System

Date: September 8-12, 2002

Location: Honolulu, Hawaii

Jim Gill, jgill@es.ucsc.edu
Simon Klemperer, sklemp@pangea.stanford.edu
Bob Stern, rjstern@utdallas.edu
Yoshihiko Tamura, tamuray@jamstec.go.jp
Doug Wiens, doug@mantle.wustl.edu

A four-day workshop will be held in Hawaii in association with the Japanese Institute for Frontier Research on Earth Evolution (IFREE) to synthesize, prioritize, and plan for further advances in our understanding of the Izu, Bonin, and Mariana (IBM) arc system. Along with Central America, IBM is one of the two focus areas for the Subduction Factory experiment of the MARGINS program (See Subduction Factory Science Plan, available on the Subduction Factory web pages at the MARGINS web site; http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/margins). The Subduction Factory experiment is an interdisciplinary effort to advance understanding of three fundamental aspects of mass and energy transfer in sub-duction zones: 1) How do forcing functions such as convergence rate and plate thickness regulate production of magma and fluid from the Subduction Factory? 2) How does the volatile cycle impact chemical, physical, and biological processes from trench to deep mantle? and 3) What is the mass balance of chemical species and material across the Subduction Factory and how does this balance affect continental growth and evolution?

The first two days of the meeting will provide current information and syntheses about the characteristics of the IBM arc as they relate to themes in the Subduction Factory science plan. Day three will address general topics important to the USA and Japanese Subduction Zone science plans. Day four will be devoted to revising and planning future collaborations to meet these objectives.

Participants will be chosen from applicants to this announcement. Selected applicants will be provided with full or partial funding of their costs for air travel, accommodation and meals. We encourage applications from all those interested in participating in this scientific endeavor, including those from outside the USA and Japan, and especially encourage applications from assistant professors, post-docs, and graduate students. Applicants should prepare a brief (no more than two pages) resume, a brief (half-page) statement of why they are interested in participating in the workshop, and a 500-word abstract of material that they would like to present.

Applications should be submitted via the web form at the meetings page on MARGINS web site:

Applications received by April 26 will be given the highest priority, with applicant selection by May 26.

Inquiries should be directed to the conveners